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Willard Community Center

School-Age Programs

Swinging into Fun: Thank You, Jim Ager!

The Lakeview CLC after-school program had a "tee-rific" time on Friday, January 17, learning the fundamentals of golf with members from the Jim Ager Golf Course. Thanks for helping us "putt" smiles on their . . .

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Driving Innovation: UNL Husker Racing Team Inspires STEM Learning

Thank you to the UNL mechanical engineering students from the Husker Racing Baja SAE team for sharing their expertise with the Lakeview CLC Students! This off-road vehicle is one of the impressive designs they’ve engineered, built, . . .

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Lakeview CLC Soccer League

The 4th & 5th grade students at Lakeview Elementary School had the chance to participate in the 2024 fall soccer league. The teams played 5 league games every Thursday after school from September 12 to October 10. They will . . .

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Boy Scouts of America Teaches Communication & Teamwork

The school-age summer program spent the morning with Boy Scouts of America learning about the essentials needed when camping and how to use teamwork and communication to set up a tent. The Boy Scouts have signed on many Tuesday . . .

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DreamCatchers Strong Visits the School-Age Kids

Thank you,  DreamCatchers Strong  for visiting Willard last week and teaching the school-age kids about your organization! We loved having you!  This is the second year that DreamCatchers has come to visit Willard and . . .

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Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska Teaches the Kids about DINOS!

Thank you, Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska for spending the morning at Willard with the school-agers. They had the kids doing all sorts of hands-on activities focusing on DINOSAURS! Which lined up perfectly with our weekly theme! . . .

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LES Brings the High Voltage Demonstration to Willard

Today's educational experience: Lincoln Electric System (LES) demonstration with the High Voltage Presentation. All the Willard kids thoroughly enjoyed our guests, learning about high-voltage safety, and especially seeing the . . .

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Lincoln Children's Museum - Museum To You at Willard

Lincoln Children's Museum brought the Museum to You program out and spent the afternoon with the older kids designing, building, and testing Lego creations! The Lincoln Children's Museum - Museum to You program will be at . . .

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School-Age Kids Experience Alpacas!

Thank you, J.P. Acres Alpaca Farm, for hosting Willard's kids last week for our first summer field trip! We loved the unique experience, and learning all about alpacas! The kids had the opportunity to walk the alpacas, feed them, pet . . .

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Special Visit from the Capital Humane Society

Thank you, Capital Humane Society , especially Sydney and her furry companion Daisy, for visiting the school-age summer program and educating us on what the Humane Society does and how important it is for our community. We enjoyed . . .

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Summer Garden Club is Growing!

The Summer Garden Club, led by Ms. Gomez, tried pesto today; made from the herbs they are growing in Willard's garden beds in the Community Crops Community Garden!  The Garden Club also takes care of the pollinator garden, . . .

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WILD for Wildlife Encounters Animals

We're WILD about our visitors today from Wildlife Encounters ! We met a kinkajou, armadillo, grey parrot, bearded dragon, baby alligator, and baby kangaroo. The animals were all so cute, in their own unique way! We were also all . . .

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Lakeview Families Gather on May 4 for Around the World Celebration

On May 4, Lakeview families gathered at the school from 12:00 - 1:30 PM to learn about each other's culture and celebrate each other. There were over 170 individuals who came to celebrate each other's heritage. Families tried . . .

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Join Us May 4

Willard Community Center will be hosting a garage sale at our old pre-k location at 1030 West 'Q' Street on May 4 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.   There are so many items; you don't want to miss this!  

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Last Soccer League Game of the Season

It was the last soccer game of the season for the CLC league. The Lakeview CLC played the Saratoga CLC on Tuesday, April 23. What a great season! We loved being a part of the first soccer league!

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Around the World Family Celebration Workday

Interested in sharing your diverse cultural background with families at our Around the World family celebration on May 4? If so, please join us at Lakeview Elementary School tomorrow, April 20, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm for a workday to . . .

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CLC Soccer Match #4

The Lakeview CLC took on Holmes' CLC soccer team for the fourth game of the league's season on April 17.

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Roper After-School Program Earth Day Experts

The after-school program at Roper has been learning all about Earth Day and taking care of our planet. They are full of knowledge about reducing, reusing, and recycling!   

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Lakeview CLC Game #2 for Spring Soccer League

The Lakeview CLC played game #2 vs Riley Elementary CLC. Don't these competitors look fierce?  

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CLC Makes Birdhouses

The Lakeview CLC participated in the Big B.A.D (Build and Design) Birdhouse Project with Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center  Each student made and decorated their own birdhouse! How TWEET is that? We know the birds will love . . .

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Linked2Literacy Hosts Free Book Fair at Lakeview CLC Program

Thank you, Linked2Literacy, for hosting a free book fair at the Lakeview CLC program. Each Lakeview CLC student got to choose two books to take home.

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Lakeview CLC A Part of New CLC Basketball League

The Lakeview CLC is part of a new basketball league. Students in the CLC and 4th or 5th graders traveled to Norwood Park on Thursday, September 28, for a friendly competition.  Go Lakeview CLC!! Whoo Whoo

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Origami Class Teaches 3rd-5th Graders During Spring Break

The Origami and the Art of Paper Folding class spent an hour on St. Patrick's Day teaching the 3rd-5th graders who attended during spring break how to make a shamrock.  The intergenerational activity was a blast! The Origami . . .

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School-Age Kids Paint Pet Supply Donation Barrels for Lincoln Animal Ambassadors

Thank you, Kristina and her service dog Lucy, for teaching the school-age kids about the Lincoln Animal Ambassadors organization.  We are so excited to paint donation barrels for the organization. Don't forget we're . . .

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Willard Community Center is now accepting venmo payments! Search @willardcommunity-center or scan the code

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United Way's Day of Action Brings Fiserv Employees to Read to Children

The Willard Community Center Summer Child Care Program wants to say thank you to the eleven Fiserv volunteers that came out to Roper Elementary School to read to the 2nd and 3rd grade children on United Way's Day of Action, June . . .

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Registration Paperwork for Willard's Licensed Early Childhood & School-Age Programs

Please find the program you are searching for below. Click on the links, fill out and return to Willard Community Center.  Extra information will be given if necessary for the program. For any additional information regarding these . . .

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