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Willard Community Center



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Payments & Donations


For online child care payments, please scroll to the bottom of the page.


Give back to your community by donating to Willard Community Center! 

For general donations, please select the Givebutter link below, or scan the QR code right below this message. Thank you for your generosity and support. 


Here are a few ways your donation can make a difference.....

$75 will purchase snacks for a day for 150 children

$100 will purchase outdoor sports equipment

$500 will contribute towards an outdoor learning center

$1000 will purchase classroom materials and support general operations.

$1,860 will give a child 12 weeks of summer care, field trips, and swimming. 





To make an online child care payment to Willard Community Center, please scan the QR codes below for Venmo, or if you have the PayPal mobile app.  

You can also access a secure PayPal page by scrolling to the bottom of the page and select the 'Buy Now' button. If you do not have an account through PayPal, you can sign in as a guest by entering your child's name in the description and the amount you are paying. On the next page, you will click the Pay with Debit or Credit Card button.

Please contact us with any questions!

