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Willard Community Center



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Discipline Techniques and Ideas

On Tuesday, December 10th staff came together to discuss the topic of Discipline Techniques and Ideas.  To start the night off, groups were each given a topic on how to prevent discipline problems.

Topics included:
* be a positive role model
*explain all situations ahead of time
*provide choices, use a soft voice
*praise the children
* have a positive attitude
*follow through

The staff was asked to discuss and write down how these topics could prevent disciple problems.  We then discussed in a large group.  Staff had great ideas of when, why and how to use each of these topics appropriately.

Groups then made a list of discipline techniques and ideas that they have used or have thought about using.  The lists grew longer as staff came up with some fun new methods and plans. For example, staff will use a glitter bottle or an I spy bottle for kids who are in time out or just need time to cool down.

Groups from the different sites were able to give staff some new techniques to try.  It was a great time to brainstorm and share our ideas!

Do you have more ideas for us to use? Please let us know!

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